The Year One students enjoyed looking at the work of artist Laurel Burch. We looked at how her art work has been turned into many things including plates, buttons and fabric. The Year One students then created their own art works inspired by the bright colours and the patterns that she uses in her work.
The Year Three students have created pictures of insects crawling over a background of leaves. The insects have been painted with edicol dye and when dry were cut out and mounted on a piece of egg carton to make them stand out of the background.
The Year Four's have worked hard this term making these "Fantasy Space Scenes". They have had an opportunity to use some different media in creating these scenes including tempera paint, dry pastels and even glad wrap. It was hard to choose which pictures to include on the page...there were so many great examples.
(This activity was from the book "Dynamic Art Activities for Children")
The Year One students painted these wonderful pictures of farm animals. We first looked at the basic body shape of the animals and which geometric shape best suited the animal. We talked about what you might see outside on the farm so that we could paint some of these things in the background. I think they did a fantastic job. (This activity was inspired by the work of Patty on Deep Space Sparkle - you can find the link to their site at the side of the page).